Finding Adventure at Home

The great thing about adventure is that you don’t always have to leave home to find it. This past weekend, we were excited about actually having a weekend at home! We were looking forward...


Legos are Awesome

This is a house that loves blocks, and more specifically, those made by Lego Brand! Our P received this awesome dessert kit as her first set of Duplo bricks as a 2nd birthday gift...


Mini-Getaway: DC and Cumberland, MD

This summer we decided not to do a full-scale vacation because of our super-awesome international trip we have coming this fall. But last weekend we took advantage of a couple of cool things that...


Wholesome Pumpkin and Applesauce Muffins

Since the time she started eating solid foods, I have really placed importance on providing Penelope with as much wholesome homemade food as possible. For a long time now, that has included muffins! They...