Tagged: weekly recap

Weekly Recap: End of My Summer 0

Weekly Recap: End of My Summer

It’s time to face the fact that my summer is officially over. It’s such a bummer, but with teachers coming back to schools this week and students coming back to school one week from...

It’s a Two-fer! Meal Planning and Weekly Recap 0

It’s a Two-fer! Meal Planning and Weekly Recap

That’s right! I stayed on the go this weekend, so I never had a chance to sit down and write my meal-planning post for this week. Lucky you, that means you get meal-planning and...

Weekly Recap: Catching Up 0

Weekly Recap: Catching Up

Why is it that the week before a vacation begins is always crazy? I thought I was well-planned for our vacation last week, but as it turns out, my work schedule got completely crazy and...

Weekly Recap: Family Time 0

Weekly Recap: Family Time

At the beginning of the summer, I decided I wanted to make building my weekly base mileage a priority, so I built my plan each week to build on what I had done the...

Weekly Recap: In Love With the 3-Day Weekend 0

Weekly Recap: In Love With the 3-Day Weekend

While the teachers and students are “off” for the summer, our district office only operates four days a week. We still are expected to put in 40 hours a week (or take vacation time)...

Weekly Recap: Streak Week 0

Weekly Recap: Streak Week

I made it through another week of streaking and a full running schedule! That means I’m through day 21 and I’m pretty excited about that! It was the last week of school in my...

Weekly Recap: Sick 0

Weekly Recap: Sick

I’ve always kind of wonder how people handle a running streak when they are sick.  In the last week, I got to answer my own question. I started feeling a little run-down last Monday...

Weekly Recap: The Streak Begins 0

Weekly Recap: The Streak Begins

What a week! We kicked it off in Northern Virginia on Monday at the wedding of one of Nathan’s college roommates. We realized about halfway through the post-ceremony celebration that driving back to North...

Curveballs 0


I don’t know about you, but curveballs come at me from every direction, every day of my life. Most of the time, I’m able to make some minor adjustments and swing away.  But sometimes,...