Category: What I Ate Wednesday

What I Ate (and Drank) Wednesday! 0

What I Ate (and Drank) Wednesday!

After spending a weekend at the lake with my extended family, I felt the need to get back in the swing of things (nutritionally speaking) yesterday. What a perfect time to link up with...

WIAW: Leftovers for Lunch 0

WIAW: Leftovers for Lunch

We had a pretty amazing salad for dinner on Monday night. We like salad anyway, but during the warm months, a big salad for dinner happens at least once a week. Most of the...

WIAW: Deep in Training Mode 0

WIAW: Deep in Training Mode

When I officially add a race that I am going to have to seriously train for to my calendar, something kind of magical happens. All of a sudden, it gets real. This week, Nathan added the full...

What I Eat on a Sick Day 0

What I Eat on a Sick Day

Let me start off by saying that summer colds suck. Big time. When I have a cold, all I really want to eat is soup.  Most of the time this works pretty well, because...

What I Ate That You Can’t See… 0

What I Ate That You Can’t See…

It really doesn’t count if I didn’t take a picture of it, right? Because Tuesday was a day on which I ate, and then I ate, and then I ate some more. But What...

WIAW: Travel Day 0

WIAW: Travel Day

  It’s What I Ate Wednesday time! A travel day will throw a kink in anyone’s diet if what you are going to eat isn’t properly planned. So, if you are looking for a post...

WIAW: The End of VegWeek 2014 0

WIAW: The End of VegWeek 2014

I’m back with another WIAW post!  Woohoo! This was my final day of vegetarian eating for VegWeek 2014. Breakfast: Over-medium egg over red beans topped with a little cheddar and half a grapefruit. Morning...

WIAW: VegWeek 2014 0

WIAW: VegWeek 2014

I’m back with another What I Ate Wednesday post! VegWeek is rolling right along.  I’m doing pretty well other than struggling with the afternoon sweets this weekend. Tuesday’s downfall was Peanut Butter Snickers. Must...

WIAW: No Groceries 0

WIAW: No Groceries

We are Sunday shoppers. We try to get everything we need for the upcoming week so we don’t have to think about or take the time to deal with it during the week. This...